Happy mind, Happy life.

Life is not always rainbows and unicorns. It can be super crappy at times and not to forget, very very unfair!

I have been through so many ups and downs in the last few years health wise, and it definitely takes a toll on you. To add to the misery, I live in Boston, where winters are crazy = more depression!

All this together snowballed, and I did not realize how badly it was affecting my day to day mood. I would randomly cry for no reason at all, feel low, insecure, happy, you name it, a complete roller coaster of emotions!

I was definitely not giving my self ANY love through all of this. The only thing I was doing was sulking, making myself feel miserable, which in turn ended up affecting the relationship with my husband and possibly everything else around me!

However, over the last 2 years, I decided that enough is enough. I genuinely wanted to change! I was tired and hated feeling this way. It was high time I did something. And I knew, this change had to happen from within.


I started to retrospect my emotions and reaction to things, to understand what was triggering my moods in the first place. I began to realize that happiness and sadness is more perspective than anything else. How positivity and negativity is in very much our control, in our selves and the energies we manifest.


Ofcourse, I’m human after all, so there’s no way I can be happy and sunshiney 24*7. As humans beings we’re wired to keep looking for things to crib about, jumping from one negative thought to another, its like weed! Its grows…

I constantly tell myself that bad thoughts are a WASTE OF TIME. I cannot imagine how many times I have held myself back, thanks to feeling miserable!

My life isn’t perfect, and trust me, realistically no one else’s life is perfect either. At some point in time, everyone has something that may make them sad, angry, helpless, or scared. In those circumstances, I understand how difficult it can be to see the power of positive thinking, but changing your outlook towards things, making positive affirmations, and how you react to it, can definitely help you get through, no matter how tough life may seem!

Nourishing my energy and keeping my mind positive is as important to me as anything else. This is where positive affirmations and talking my self through it has helped me…BIG TIME! Once I realized how much my attitude can affect my life, I made a firm decision to change it, and I am working on it each day.

Positive thoughts and affirmations help train your brain to look at things differently. They’re little love notes filled with truth that remind us of what we’re meant to be. Our thoughts, help create the positive or negative experiences in our lives. So whether we know it or not, we’re affirming either the positive or the negative with every thought and action that follows.

Now this also doesn’t mean we should ignore the crap in our lives. Its OK to feel your feelings, to cry, to laugh and express your needs. Just remember that you can eventually and always talk your self into positivity which can help you from sinking into stress.

The first step to finding more positivity in your life is ultimately, changing your mindset. When you look for the good in each situation and each person, you have a tendency to remain cheerful and optimistic.


Things to remember –

Repeat Positive affirmations on and on

Repeat positive affirmations – “I am beautiful”, “I feel pumped and happy!”  As you go about your job, say to yourself, “I like myself and I love my work!” or Today is a great day! I love myself!”

They say, “Whatever is expressed, is impressed.” Whatever you say to yourself or others is impressed more deeply into your subconscious mind and is more likely not only to be repeated, but to become a permanent part of your personality!

Create your own affirmations! Whatever you’re struggling with, turn it around and find something positive in it and say it. Repeat, repeat, repeat—and keep creating new ones. With some regular dedication, you’ll notice this positivity having a ripple effect on the rest of your life.

I read somewhere – “The secret to having your affirmations work quickly and consistently is to prepare an atmosphere for them to grow in. Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.”

You are enough!

Remember that you are enough and beautiful no matter what. You have gone through a lot of difficulties and have reached a point in where you are in life after overcoming those hurdles. So you are strong! Learn to believe in yourself and love yourself a little more. Give yourself the credit you deserve.


Healthy Living…

Try and maintain a healthy lifestyle! Eat a balanced meal on time. Make sure to sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. This way, you feel good and look good. A healthy body definitely contributes to a healthy mind and vice versa.

Physical activities are wonderful and its very important that we constantly do something to keep our minds and body active – Go on a walk, go to the gym, swim, you name it. The adrenaline rush makes you feel pumped and positive! Even better, when you see results, it becomes addictive. Plus focussing on exercise, takes your mind away from the negative for a while. The most important message being – You can do it and you are! Slow baby steps is all you need to keep going forward.

Smile more and often…

Smile when you see someone, smile through bad times, smile through it all. Its costs nothing and it makes you feel good! Remember – Use your smile to change the world, don’t let the world change your smile! When Endo brings me down, I immediately put on my favorite comedy on the tele to watch. It definitely helps take me mind off my cramps!


Find the good in the bad…

I read that, through the power of positive thinking you can use a bad experience to learn something new about yourself, to realize you made a mistake. Affirm that no matter what, you will not let this take you down. You got this!

Take the negative situation and turn it into a learning experience. Take a deep breath, relax and look into the situation for whatever good it may have. This way you are able to mentally prepare yourself and perhaps even prevent the same thing from happening again. This is how people grow! Always remember, no rain, no flowers!

I have been suffering from Endometriosis, but I am surrounded by so many beautiful people who help me get through it all. And I have trained myself to see how strong I am and that I have still got it together. I am not broken and that is my strength, which also keeps me physically strong.

Keep your circle small and positive…

For those of you who have read my earlier blog, there is a reason why I keep my circle small. I’ve met all kinds of people, the negative – mean spirits and the positive. The negative people were influencing my beliefs and energy – whether I liked it or not.

I’m not saying you should completely exclude everyone who is negative in your life, but you do have the option to find more positive people to surround yourself with. Don’t ever allow others to dictate how you should feel. That’s something you can and should do for yourself.


I have an amazing family and my close friends now are the kind who support me no matter what and I know they won’t judge me for anything and I am immensely grateful for that; they feed my soul.

I have an amazing family and my close friends now are the kind who support me no matter what and I know they won’t judge me for anything and I am immensely grateful for that; they feed my soul.

I’m cautious, selective, and particular about who I surround myself with, because we are who we hang with. I chose to only focus on those who support me for real.

Date yourself and learn to listen…

I check-in on my self from time to time to see how I am doing. If my body is tired and tells me I should go home, I do that! If I feel like I’m starting to sink, I try and change my focus and vibration to something else that makes me feel more positive. The everyday routine can really start to suffocate me, so I take a walk in the park, take a day off and do nothing maybe. I listen and now have a more deeper relationship with my true self!R

Express Gratitude and be thankful…

Everyday, I take time to address the things I am grateful for!

Write a gratitude journal maybe. This helps reprogram my mind to focus on my blessings and the wonderful things I have in plenty – both small and big. For example today I am thankful for sunshine and no rains! I am also thankful for a sweetheart hubby who made breakfast for me before he left for work!

The idea is to re-frame and push out negative thoughts the moment they enter your mind. Try and replace that with a positive thought, talk yourself into NOT thinking about it. Above all, count to 10 and just B.r.e.a.t.h.e!

Live in the moment…

Start small – notice the little things throughout your day that makes you happy and really enjoy and relish them. It can be as simple as the feeling of a hot mug of masala chai in your hands or the feeling you get when you watch your dogs play. Admire flowers, enjoy tight hugs, holding hands, sincere smiles, the smell of rain, twinkling stars at night, appreciate all the little things…Just take it in!


This way, I was finally connecting with the beauty and aliveness of life, instead of being lost in my head, thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

This too shall pass…

Everything is a phase and is temporary, always think that way! Like I said, look at it as an opportunity to learn and improve! Things always get better in the end, if it doesn’t, its not the end!


Don’t speak a negative thought out loud…

You would be surprised how much better my day went when I wasn’t complaining, whining, or talking negatively about a single thing. This exercise will truly change your mood.

Do small things with great love…


I can not stress how important it is to do things you love in life. It can be a new hobby, exercise, art, being an influencer on Instagram, blogging, whatever it is. Putting more time and effort in the things you really love doing will change your life for the better.

Make positivity a conscious decision…

Keep your thoughts on your goals and dreams, and on the person you’re striving to become.

More often, if life is boring, you feel bored. If someone says something hurtful to you, you feel hurt. If something goes wrong, you feel upset.

Make a conscious decision about your intention for the day, and then no matter how life unfolds, you respond to it positively, because that was your intention for the day! Focus only on that!

Creating a positive mindset has made such an incredible impact on my life! When I started my day off frustrated, I noticed that it had a ripple effect and I was in turn annoying my partner as well, and that trickled into work. But again, when I am positive and cheerful, I also see how beautifully that rubs off on to the people around me and the things I do! The results are dramatic! I practice that in my relationships as well, which is why, my husband and I hardly fight these days! 🙂

As I’ve said earlier in my blog – Even the good ones like us can succumb to negativity on a bad day. But you can change how you deal with it … if you allow yourself to! You have the power to  change how you react. It can be challenging and its definitely not easy, but the real answer is actually up to you and how you perceive it! Retrain, you mind, your body and your habits. Realize your self-worth and love yourself hard! Be thankful for everything you have!

Positive minds. Positive Vibes. Positive Life!

Love and Light,


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